

The manufacturing arm of our group is at the forefront of the building industry with high quality construction materials, produced according to ISO 9001:2015. All our products are submitted to rigorous quality checks and testing and meet all the relevant European standards. Our ongoing innovation and investment both in processes and products makes us the preferred local supplier for both large and smaller contractors in the building industry.


Our manufacturing unit produces a full range of quality concrete products with grades ranging up to C60. Our concrete is ideal varying uses including structural, marine and other specialized operations. Our products are also complemented with the services of concrete pumping facilities as well as cranes.

Concrete Blocks

We produce a variety of pre-cast concrete blocks and paving ideal for a wide range of construction and civil engineering projects.

These include:

  • Load bearing and non load bearing hollow concrete masonry blocks
  • Blocks for wall partitions and roofing
  • Light weight blocks
  • Insulated blocks
  • Coping stones
  • Roofing blocks
  • Curb stones
  • Interlocking concrete paving blocks

Steel Reinforcement

We operate a fully automated steel cutting and bending facility equipped with state of the art computerised machines to manufacture beams and columns to high tolerances. High-tech computerised cage welding equipment enable perfect stirrup distribution for beams and columns with an output capacity that is able to meet high project demands

Pre-Cast Concrete Elements

We produce a variety of pre-cast custom made concrete products according to the customer’s specific needs: These include:

  • Pre-Cast Predalles
  • Lintels
  • Pre-stressed T-beams
  • Reinforced Concrete Slabs
  • Customer Precast Beams
  • Any custom shaped pre-cast product

Flooring Screeds

Concrete-based or lightweight screeds consist of placing over the load-bearing substrate, such as a slab or deck, a specific cement-based mortar, sometimes lightened, or a sequence of layers of different mortars with different functions (e.g. to compensate for height differences, to structurally cooperate or distribuite the load over an insulating layer or again to repair a deterioration of the main structure) to achieve a defined level and an adequate subgrade surface, while minimising dead loads as much as possible.

From our proven experience in concrete, here are our screeds. Characterized by our focus on quality and attention to the customer’s needs, they undergo the same quality-system and testing pattern as all our products.
Available from C5 to grade C25, both self-levelling and normal. We can also supply specifically formulated mix on request from our plant

Contact Us

Attard Bros. Group, Industrial Zone,
Ta’ Qali, ATD 4000, Malta


Telephone:   +356 21 415 332

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